Elbit Systems 未有對(XX)作出回應
UK: Arms company Instro Precision (part of Elbit Systems) occupied by protesters over sales to Israel & Afghanistan
適用語言: English -
Elbit Systems' alleged complicity in the assault on Gaza
適用語言: English -
Schleifring Systems declines to respond to allegations it has profited from Palestinian deaths in Gaza
適用語言: English -
UAV Engines (part of Elbit Systems), Selex Galileo (part of Finmeccanica), Schleifring Systems (part of Schleifring und Apparatebau) & Raytheon accused of supplying arms to Israeli Government
適用語言: English -
Raytheon did not respond
適用語言: English -
Elbit Systems (owner of UAV Engines) did not respond
適用語言: English -
Selex Galileo (part of Finmeccanica group) response
適用語言: English -
Statement by Barclays on its involvement with the defence industry
適用語言: English