企業回應 2023年8月31日 Elecnor non-response re lower payment to migrants under labour migration agreement & alleged underpayment, safety breaches and union-busting 查看所有標籤 Elecnor Green Light Contractors (part of Elecnor Australia) 可再生能源 澳洲 移民工 種族/民族/階層/出身歧視 Fair & Equal Wages Just transition
Elecnor 未有對(XX)作出回應 Australia: Elecnor to pay lower migrant wages under Agreement for renewables project already facing alleged underpayment, safety breaches & union-busting; co. did not respond 故事 2023年8月31日 時間線 Elecnor non-response re lower payment to migrants under labour migration agreement & alleged underpayment, safety breaches and union-busting 日期: 2023年8月31日 內容類型: 企業回應 適用語言: English Baking in inequality - a stunning betrayal 日期: 2023年8月4日 內容類型: 文章 適用語言: English 瀏覽完整時間線