Esprit 未有對(XX)作出回應
China: Volkswagen confirms plans to sell Xinjiang plant & two test tracks amid forced labour allegations
Germany: Volkswagen audit of Xinjiang plant criticised for allegedly failing to meet international standard
UK: Court pronounces National Crime Agency refusal to investigate cotton from suspected Uyghur forced labour as unlawful, putting importers at risk of prosecution
適用語言: English -
USA: 26 textile firms added to forced labour entity list over alleged link with labour camps in Xinjiang
適用語言: English -
USA: DOL official says conducting due diligence on forced labour in Xinjiang "impossible", only way to comply with UFLPA is not to operate there
適用語言: English -
Canada: CORE closes complaint against GobiMin over alleged Uyghur forced labour links after co. engages & commits to responsible exit policy
適用語言: English -
Opinion: A window of opportunity for Western companies to stop sourcing from Xinjiang
適用語言: English -
Volkswagen cars held up at US ports over part linked to allegations of forced labour in Xinjiang
China: Volkswagen in talks over future of Xinjiang site following renewed concerns over human rights
China: German chemicals producer BASF to divest from two joint ventures in Xinjiang over allegations of human rights abuses
USA: Lawmakers urge administration to intensify actions against imports tied to Chinese forced labour, including e-commerce loopholes used by Shein and Temu
適用語言: English -
Zara Canada investigated in relation to allegations of Uyghur forced labour in its supply chain
China: Former prison employees allege forced labour and exploitation of Uyghur inmates in Keriye Prison, Xinjiang
適用語言: English -
Canadian Ombudsperson for Responsible Enterprise probes Nike, Dynasty Gold over alleged use of Uyghur forced labour
China: Laboratory Results Finds Shein Garment Samples Shipped to the U.S. Contain Cotton Sourced from Xinjiang
適用語言: English -
China: Xinjiang exports to US drop in September but still higher year on year despite forced labour law
適用語言: English -
Hong Kong: Journalists quit after South China Morning Post axes Xinjiang series, ex-editor says
適用語言: English -
中國:聯合國發佈新疆人權報告 認為存在針對維吾爾族的強迫勞工和侵犯人權行為; 含中方回應
USA: Piles of solar panels held at border since Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act came into force
適用語言: English -
Uzbekistan: Korean trading company POSCO Intl. seeing rapid increase in profit from Uzbekistan cotton sales after Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act
Bangladesh and Vietnam: Businesses alarmed over risk of 'cotton laundering' following US Xinjiang cotton ban
適用語言: English -
Japanese apparel co. United Arrows reportedly stops using Xinjiang cotton
USA: Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act comes into force
適用語言: English -
USA: Companies warn of shipment delays as Uyghur forced labour ban enters into force
適用語言: English -
USA: Fashion industry explores supply chain digitalisation as Uyghur forced labour ban comes into force
適用語言: English -
China denounces Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act as destabilising supply chains and creating unemployment
適用語言: English -
Global coalition urges companies not to dump Uyghur-linked goods in non-US markets in wake of forced labour ban
USA: Department of Homeland Security releases Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act Strategy
適用語言: English -
中國:國際時裝品牌無法審查新疆棉供應鏈 開始轉向別國棉農
China: Hikvision cameras help track Uyghurs and other ethnic groups in Xinjiang, report finds
適用語言: English -
China: Walmart arm Sam's Club denies having deliberately removed Xinjiang-sourced goods from its app
適用語言: English -
China: Tesla showroom opening in Xinjiang criticised by rights groups
適用語言: English -
USA: Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act signed into law
Intel apologises to China after Xinjiang sourcing policy causes backlash
適用語言: English -
United Kingdom: Trade minister hints at banning Chinese imports with forced labour links
適用語言: English -
USA: Congress passes bill requiring companies to prove goods imported from China's Xinjiang region are free from forced labour
適用語言: English -
Japan: Fast Retailing, the operator of Uniqlo, says no human rights violations in supply chains against alleged use of forced labour in Xinjiang
China: Swedish telecom giant Ericsson allegedly sourced from Chinese factory linked to forced labour; incl. co. comment
適用語言: English -
Japan: More apparel makers stop using China's Xinjiang cotton amid forced labour concerns
Czechia: Marriott apologises for refusing to host Uyghur conference as its Prague branch cited 'political neutrality' for decision
適用語言: English -
USA: Court rejects Hong Kong shirtmaker Esquel Group's request to remove Xinjiang unit from entity list
適用語言: English -
USA: Hong Kong shirtmaker Esquel Group resumes lawsuit in bid to remove Xinjiang unit from sanctions list
China: Shenzhen Verite's closure due to "fabricated" report on Xinjiang, according to state media
適用語言: English -
中國關閉一家美國在華勞動審計機構 加大力度反擊強迫勞動指控
China: Chinese suppliers to Apple, Nike shun Xinjiang workers
適用語言: English -
美國:參議院通過法案要求進口商證明新疆產品不涉強迫勞動 否則禁止進口
USA: Updated business advisory warns companies on Xinjiang business and calls for heightened due diligence
適用語言: English -
美國禁止進口中國合盛硅業太陽能產品 指「有合理信息表明」企業使用強迫勞工
USA: UNIQLO shirts seized by customs after being suspected of being produced using forced labor in Xinjiang
適用語言: 日本語 -
Japan’s Muji Appeals to China by Advertising Use of Xinjiang Cotton
適用語言: English -
Chinese apparel brand 361 Degrees to source Xinjiang materials with China Cotton Industry Alliance
適用語言: English -
Xinjiang exports to US doubled in 2021 first quarter despite cotton ban and sanctions
適用語言: English -
Continued embrace of ESG undeterred by geopolitics and boycotts of foreign brands, investment advisers say
適用語言: English -
中国:カゴメ、新疆産トマト使用停止 人権問題考慮
適用語言: 日本語 -
Volkswagen executive rules out possibility of forced labour and stands by commitment in Xinjiang
適用語言: English -
報告稱中國太陽能公司吸納新疆少數民族工人 讓美國氣候承諾陷兩難
China steps up plans for domestic Better Cotton Initiative amid forced labour concerns
適用語言: English -
Muji brand owner Ryohin Keikaku details steps to address concerns over use of Xinjiang cotton
適用語言: English -
Leading Japanese ketchup producer Kagome halts Xinjiang tomato imports
適用語言: English -
Industry experts speak about limitations of Better Cotton Initiative's role in Xinjiang
適用語言: English -
NGOs file complaint in France against clothing firms over Uighur labour
Fast Retailing, parent company of Uniqlo, says company is politically neutral but will halt business with human rights violators
適用語言: English -
適用語言: 日本語 -
Investors press companies on human rights in Xinjiang
適用語言: English -
適用語言: 日本語 -
ユニクロも? 新疆綿拒否の外国製品に不買運動
適用語言: 日本語 -
Commentary: Why China’s boycott of H&M, Nike, and other Western brands may blow over
適用語言: English -
ASICS head office clarifies that earlier post on sourcing Xinjiang cotton was unauthorised
適用語言: English -
China: UN experts call for unhindered access to conduct fact-finding missions and urge companies to closely scrutinize their supply chains
適用語言: English -
China: Xinjiang viscose producers linked to US-sanctioned entities, records show
適用語言: English -
China: Latest Nike shoes sold out despite boycott over Xinjiang cotton
適用語言: English -
FILA中國宣布退出良好棉花發展協會 台灣代理商指原料來自南亞
China: Hugo Boss deletes "unauthorised" statement over Xinjiang cotton and says it does not tolerate forced labour
適用語言: English -
中國:Hugo Boss刪支持新疆棉聲明 官網指不容忍強迫勞動
FILA China cuts ties with BCI; FILA's Taiwan agent says cotton is sourced from South Asia
適用語言: English -
China: Hugo Boss and Asics say they would continue to source cotton from Xinjiang
適用語言: English -
Zara's parent company Inditex reportedly removes statement on zero-tolerance policy for forced labour
適用語言: English -
Muji promotes Xinjiang cotton as Chinese netizens lash rivals
適用語言: English -
Compilation of statements by H&M, Nike, GAP, Uniqlo, adidas, Zara and New Balance on sourcing Xinjiang cotton
適用語言: English -
China National Textile and Apparel Council publishes statement on Xinjiang forced labour allegations
適用語言: English -
China: Airbnb asked to drop Olympic ties over alleged human rights issues in Xinjiang
China urges global fashion brands to reverse Xinjiang cotton boycott
適用語言: English -
Chinese company Anta to quit BCI, will continue to use cotton from Xinjiang
適用語言: English -
UN Human Rights Council send letters to companies over Xinjiang forced labour allegations
適用語言: English -
中國:H&M因強制勞動風險早前宣布棄用新疆棉花 網民呼籲抵制
UK: Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee releases report on Uyghur forced labour in Xinjiang and UK value chains
適用語言: English -
UK: BEIS committee says Modern Slavery Act cannot guarantee supply chains are free from forced labour, recommends strengthening of law and policy framework
適用語言: English -
Sedex responded
適用語言: English -
ERM responded
適用語言: English -
Social Accountability International responded
適用語言: English -
Japan's Muji Stops Short of Ban on Cotton From Xinjiang, Where Forced Labor is Rife
Ryohin Keikaku's response
適用語言: English -
Civil society coalition calls on fashion and home-furnishing industries to end links to Uyghur forced labor
適用語言: English -
US moves to support Australian push to tackle China's 'human and labour rights abuses'
適用語言: English -
Une plainte déposée contre Nike pour complicité de travail forcé envers les Ouïghours opprimés
適用語言: français -
適用語言: 日本語 -
Japan: 12 companies announce policies to end business deals with Chinese companies linked to alleged Uyghur forced labour
適用語言: English -
適用語言: 日本語 -
Andrew Forrest's philanthropic foundation condemns China's treatment of Uighurs
適用語言: English -
USA: Coalition demands companies to disclose lobbying against Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act; includes company responses
適用語言: English -
China: Xinjiang Textile Industry Association releases social responsibility report on cotton textile industry in the region
適用語言: English -
EU-China investment agreement: EU negotiator defends forced labour provisions amid criticism
適用語言: English -
Swedish public procurers engage suppliers to take measures against possible links to Uyghur forced labour
適用語言: English -
Twitter locks account of Chinese Embassy to USA over Uighur post
適用語言: English -
US declares China’s repression of Uighurs in Xinjiang as ‘Genocide’
適用語言: English -
Commentary: EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment and doubts on its human rights implications
適用語言: English -
USA bans all cotton products and tomatoes from Xinjiang over forced labour concerns
China: Facial recognition developer Megvii turns to Shanghai IPO after being blacklisted by US for alleged involvements in human rights violations in Xinjiang
適用語言: English -
UK: Government takes tougher stance against UK business complicity in human rights violations against ethnic minorities in Xinjiang
適用語言: English -
China: Solar companies reportedly linked to forced labour allegations in Xinjiang
適用語言: English -
UK: Foreign Secretary announces package of measures to help UK business avoid complicity in human rights violations against ethnic minorities in Xinjiang
適用語言: English -
Apple supplier Lens Technology accused of using forced labour in China
適用語言: English -
Marks & Spencer is 1st global fashion brand to make public commitment on Uyghur forced labour by signing Call to Action
Fair Labor Association prohibits member companies from sourcing from Xinjiang, China
適用語言: English -
China: Huawei reportedly tested facial recognition software that could identify minorities
適用語言: English -
China: Report highlights evidence from govt documents showing thousands of ethnic minority labourers in Xinjiang forced to pick cotton in coercive state-mandated program
適用語言: English -
États-Unis : Le Congrès demande à Nvidia et Intel de s’expliquer sur l’utilisation de leurs technologies dans les programmes de surveillance du gouvernement chinois
適用語言: français -
Human Rights Now Releases Statement on Japanese Companies’ Complicity in Forced Labour in Xinjiang UAR
適用語言: English -
États-Unis : Apple accusée de lobbying contre un projet de loi visant à lutter contre le travail forcé en Chine
適用語言: français -
Danish pension fund AkademikerPension divests from Hikvision for human rights concerns over co. role in mass surveillance
適用語言: English -
États-Unis : Le gouvernement veut annoncer de nouvelles sanctions à l'encontre d'entreprises chinoises qui ne respecteraient pas les droits humains
適用語言: français -
Japan: Lawmakers begin weighing bill to sanction Uyghur human rights abuses
適用語言: English -
Human rights allegations from China's Xinjiang region could jeopardize US solar supply chain
適用語言: English -
L Brands' statement on forced labour in the XUAR
適用語言: English -
France : Le gouvernement appelle les entreprises françaises à la vigilance sur le respect des droits des minorités en Chine par leurs fournisseurs et sous-traitants
適用語言: français -
Polémique après les remerciements adressés par Disney dans son film Mulan à des autorités chinoises accusées de graves violations des droits humains ; avec les commentaires de l'entreprise
適用語言: français -
Commentary: Five international firms refuse to conduct social audits in Xinjiang; time to recognise limitation of social audits everywhere, says NGO
適用語言: English -
Amazon's updated response to the Australian Strategic Policy Institute's report on forced labour of ethnic minorities from Xinjiang
適用語言: English -
Human Rights Now publishes report on 11 Japanese companies’ response to Uyghur human rights issues
適用語言: English -
USA: House of Representatives votes in favour of law aimed at preventing import of goods produced by ethnic minority forced labour in China’s Xinjiang region
適用語言: English -
Ces sociétés européennes qui collaborent au contrôle de masse chinois
適用語言: français -
Des entreprises de l’UE vendent des outils de surveillance à des responsables d’atteintes aux droits humains en Chine
適用語言: français -
Report: Out of Control: Failing EU Laws for Digital Surveillance Export
適用語言: English -
Chine : H&M annonce cesser toute relation commerciale avec un producteur accusé de travail forcé
適用語言: français -
Norwegian wealth fund's ethics council recommended divestment from Hikvision for human rights concerns over co. role in mass surveillance
適用語言: English -
H&M ends relationship with Chinese yarn producer over accusations of forced labour
適用語言: English -
USA shelves broad import bans on cotton and tomato and announces narrower bans on products from specific entities
適用語言: English -
Disney CFO acknowledges that shooting Mulan in Xinjiang has "generated lot of issues"
適用語言: English -
USA to block cotton and tomato product from Xinjiang over allegations of human rights abuses
適用語言: English -
US: Customs agency moves to block imports from China’s Xinjiang region over concerns of ethnic minority forced labour
適用語言: English -
Disney provokes widespread criticism after thanking Xinjiang authorities accused of human rights abuses in "Mulan" credits
適用語言: English -
Chine : La fabrication de masques a mis en avant le nombre accru d'entreprises profitant indirectement du travail forcé des minorités
適用語言: français -
Ban US cotton imports from Xinjiang, say human rights campaigners
適用語言: English -
Human rights groups call on U.S. for regional ban on imports from China made with Uyghur forced labor
適用語言: English -
Entretien avec Raphaël Glucksmann, l'euro-député qui interpelle les grandes enseignes au sujet du travail forcé des minorités en Chine
適用語言: français -
China: Practical guidance discusses ways for investors to identify and mitigate human rights risks in northwest region
適用語言: English -
At least two Australian companies reportedly purchase masks made with allegedly forced labour in China
適用語言: English -
Most fashion brands claim they have anti-forced labour policies when being urged to stop sourcing from Xinjiang, media report says
適用語言: English -
Major Chinese supplier of Australian train parts blacklisted by US denies allegations of using forced labour
適用語言: English -
Esquel Group denies allegations of using forced labour in Xinjiang and appeals against US sanction
適用語言: English -
Sanctions on corporations can be used to curb abuse against ethnic minorities, says group of lawyers
適用語言: English -
Nike says China-based supplier stopped hiring employees from northwest amid forced labour allegations, but critics say further proof is needed
適用語言: English -
USA: Eleven Chinese firms added to economic blacklist over allegations of using forced labour of ethnic minorities
適用語言: English -
Estados Unidos: Sancionan a once empresas chinas por violaciones de derechos humanos contra grupo minoritario musulmán
適用語言: español -
Etats-Unis : Le gouvernement adopte une loi obligeant les entreprises américaines opérant au Xinjiang à garantir que leurs produits ne sont pas fabriqués avec recours au travail forcé
適用語言: français -
USA: Department of Commerce lists nine Chinese entities and firms for alleged human rights abuses in Xinjiang
適用語言: English -
USA: Chinese firms and entities added to sanction lists over human rights abuses
適用語言: English -
USA: Department of Commerce adds 24 Chinese firms and institutions to entity list for risk of "supporting procurement of items for military end-use in China"
適用語言: English -
China: Better Cotton Initiative suspends activities in Xinjiang due to concerns over labour abuses
適用語言: English -
North Face/VF Corp's response
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Puma's response
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Abercrombie & Fitch's response
適用語言: English -
Gap's response
適用語言: English -
H&M's response
適用語言: English -
Marks & Spencer's response
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PVH's response
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Samsung's response
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adidas' response
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UNIQLO's response
適用語言: English -
BMW's response
適用語言: English -
US: Gov't proposes bill to bar imports from Xinjiang on basis of potential forced labour by Uygurs
適用語言: English -
Nike's response
適用語言: English -
Inditex's response
適用語言: English -
Joint statement: Industry associations urge US govt. to engage multi-stakeholder working group to address forced labour of ethnic minorities in Xinjiang & across China
適用語言: English -
Fila did not respond
適用語言: English -
Apple did not respond
適用語言: English -
Esprit did not respond
適用語言: English -
Travailleurs Forcés Ouïghers dans des usines sous-traitantes de grande entreprises occidentales: quand cesserons-nous de faire confiance aux seuls engagements des multinationales ?
適用語言: français -
Chine : 83 grandes marques accusées de recourir au travail forcé des Ouïghours dans leur chaîne d'approvisionnement, selon une ONG
適用語言: français -
China: Xinjiang forced labour reported in multinational supply chains
適用語言: English -
Major global brands implicated in Australian Strategic Policy Institute's report on forced labour in China
適用語言: English -
Major brands implicated in report on forced labour beyond Xinjiang
適用語言: English -
China: Nike, Apple & Dell comment on allegations of forced labour in their supply chains
適用語言: English -
Hong Kong: AI firm Megvii reportedly faces additional queries from HKEx on IPO application after blacklisted by US over alleged involvement in human rights violations
適用語言: English -
Responsible Sourcing Network proposes initiative to prevent forced labour in Chinese cotton products
適用語言: English -
Companies urged to uphold corporate responsibility when sourcing from Xinjiang and Uzbekistan, both with high risks of forced labour
適用語言: English -
China: Clothes made with cotton produced by forced labour in Xinjiang is likely being sold in US, think tank says
適用語言: English -
Cotton On and Target Australia stop buying cotton from Xinjiang over human rights concerns
適用語言: English -
Response by Esprit
適用語言: English -
China: Officials hint Xinjiang detention camps to be phased out; But relatives concerned detainees are being released into forced labour
適用語言: English -
US Company to stop sales of genetic tech in Xinjiang
適用語言: English