EU Commission President openly opposes inclusion of special Investor to State Dispute Settlement tribunal in EU-US trade agreement
"Juncker against controversial dispute settlement mechanism ISDS as part of EU-US trade agreement TTIP", 17 Jul 2014
Just before being elected president of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker…has spoken out against ISDS. The ‘Investor to State Dispute Settlement’ would be a part of the proposed EU-US trade agreement TTIP. It would deal with conflicts between investors that feel disadvantaged and states they hold responsible. Those conflicts would not be taken to regular courts but to a special dispute settlement tribunal…Juncker...said:“…The rule of law and the principle of equality before the law must also apply in this context.”…[Burghard Ilge from] Both ENDS, a Dutch NGO resisting ISDS as part of TTIP [declared]…“Dealing with investor versus state conflicts by a special, non-transparent tribunal would mean that investors can circumvent the jurisdiction of regular courts in European countries. It is unacceptable that an EU-US treaty on trade weakens the judiciary in Europe...”…