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Joanna Demarco, The Shift

EU legislation must cover everybody affected by SLAPP – 27 NGOs


Twenty-seven international organisations have written toEuropean Commissioner Vice President Věra Jourová calling on her to include everyone who has been impacted by SLAPP lawsuits in the European Union’s proposed new rules.

The organisations include The Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation, Reporters Without Borders, Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth Europe...

Jourová is preparing legislation which will work to deter such lawsuits. “In essence, SLAPPs are used to silence individuals and organisations that play a watchdog role and hold those in positions of power to account,” they wrote...

The organisations said that SLAPP lawsuits are not limited to journalists, but are also targeted at academia, trade unionists, activists, civil society organisations and individual citizens, including human rights defenders.

Strong EU anti-SLAPP measures, including legislation and legal funds for victims, at a time when there is no such legislation in force in any EU member state will help protect those who are vulnerable to this type of legal harassment, they said. 

Such measures would also “send a strong political message that the EU is ready to stand up for its citizens and protect fundamental rights,” they continued.