Felipe Vicini, Vicini Group lost legal attack on Dominican Watchdog [Dominican Republic]
Felipe Vicini owner of Vicini Group, one of the biggest industrial groups in the Dominican Republic, lost his personal and corporate legal attack on Dominican Watchdog. Felipe Vicini and Vicini Group claimed the right to domains controlled by Dominican Watchdog in order to prevent negative information about the miserable Dominican sugar operations [allegations] reach[ing] American consumers…Vicini Group is desperate to hide the "dark side" of their Dominican operations. They have initiated several lawsuits in the United States and flexed their muscles against TV stations not to show the horrifying movie "The Price of Sugar"...about the poor sugar cane workers slavery conditions in the Dominican Republic.…[but] Dominican Watchdog is determined to inform U.S. companies who use or sell Dominican sugar about the unacceptable humanitarian consequences of this product…[also refers to Progreso Bank]