Glencore statement on child labour allegations
Glencore takes note of the lawsuit filed in a US court by IRAdvocates on 15 December 2019 regarding child labour in the artisanal mining of cobalt in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). We are not a defendant to this lawsuit...
We offer our condolences and sympathy to the families and the children injured or killed as a result of artisanal mining activities. We do not tolerate any form of child, forced, or compulsory labour in our supply chain. We support and respect human rights in a manner consistent with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Glencore does not purchase, process or trade any artisanally mined cobalt or copper...
We recognise that artisanal mining is prevalent in the DRC and presents risks, particularly for children. As part of our broader strategy as a responsible corporate citizen in the country, we are engaging with the government and other stakeholders to find a sustainable solution. In this regard, Kamoto Copper Company, our operation in the DRC, is implementing a number of measures, including...
The lawsuit references a number of concessions as locations of injury or fatalities, some of which are erroneously claimed to be controlled and operated by KCC. The following concessions are not owned or controlled by KCC...