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Jewel Topsfield, Sydney Morning Herald

Indonesian seaweed farmers launch class action lawsuit in Australia against PTTEP over loss of income caused by 2009 oil spill

"Indonesian seaweed farmers launch class action over Montara oil spill", 2, Aug 2016

More than 13,000 Indonesian seaweed farmers will...launch a class action in the Federal Court in Sydney against the company responsible for the worst oil spill in the history of Australia's offshore petroleum industry. Maurice Blackburn Lawyers is seeking hundreds of millions of dollars in compensation for the loss of income it says the farmers suffered when their seaweed plots died after the 2009 Montara oil spill in the Timor Sea...He said the seaweed farmers, who are from East Nusa Tenggara, one of Indonesia's poorest and most remote provinces, suffered "north of $200 million" in loss of income...The company that operated the Montara oil rig - PTTEP Australasia - has denied liability. "PTTEP Australasia maintains its position, based on extensive independent scientific research overseen by the Australian government, that no oil from Montara reached the shores of Indonesia or Australia and that no long-term damage was done to the Timor Sea environment," a company spokesman said...
