Labourers protest over unpaid wages in Bahrain
日期: 2016年7月19日
地點: 巴林
GP Zachariades - Employer受影響的
受影響的總人數: 2000
移民和移民工人: ( 數字未知 - 孟加拉 , 建築 , Gender not reported ) , 移民和移民工人: ( 數字未知 - 尼泊爾 , 建築 , Gender not reported ) , 移民和移民工人: ( 數字未知 - 巴基斯坦 , 建築 , Gender not reported ) , 移民和移民工人: ( 數字未知 - 印度 , 建築 , Gender not reported ) , 移民和移民工人: ( 數字未知 - 歐洲和中亞 , 建築 , Gender not reported )議題
死亡 , 恐嚇和威脅 , 食物權 , Failing to renew visas , Precarious/Unsuitable Living Conditions , 剝奪言論自由 , Wage Theft回應
後續行動: The Bahrain Labour Ministry has repeatedly replied to request for comment, both on allegations accompanied by formal complaints and protests. Following protests in January 2017, the Indian Embassy and Bahrain's Labour Ministry intervened to take up the issue with company management. The company paid one set of pending salaries immediately, but then failed to pay the next due salaries. During another January 2017 protest, a protester died after being struck by a tear gas canister fired by police; authorities claimed he had died from natural causes. In February 2020, NGO Migrant Rights reported that those workers who had received salaries were mostly European; those whose salaries remain unpaid are from South Asian countries including Nepal, India, Bangladesh and Pakistan. The 52 workers interviewed by MR also reported that their embassies were not supportive. In 2021, Labour and Social Development Ministry filed a case against the company for failing to settle the wages of 18 expat workers.
資訊來源: News outlet
Hundreds of labourers in Bahrain have reportedly protested against unpaid salaries by GP Zachariades Civil Engineering and Contractors firm...more than 2,000 workers have not been paid their salaries for the past two-and-a-half months. The workers marched towards the Labour and Social Development Ministry from their labour accommodation... over 2,000 labourers took part in the protest.
GP denied this statement, claiming the figure was 600...also denied claims that the labourers were headed for the ministry - instead stating that they were 'moving from one camp to another'...[and the payment arrears were] equivalent to 45 days only...[caused by] late payments to the company from several private and government projects over the last few months.