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Groupe Casino

Information on the fight against deforestation linked with cattle breeding in Latin America

...Casino group, through its branches in Latin America, has been actively fighting against deforestation for many years. Indeed, our Brazilian branch GPA implements a consistent and rigorous policy for the control of the origin of beef delivered by its providers. GPA’s responsible purchasing policy of beef relies on a listing process and strict control of beef providers.

This process aims at identifying the direct origin and ensures compliance with the following social and environmental criteria:

  • that cattle breeding is not linked with the deforestation of the Amazonian biome;
  • that farming is in no way linked with forced labour ;
  • that farming is in no way linked with child labour ;
  • that farming is not subject to embargo by the Ministry of Environment due to environmental violations;
  • that farming is not linked to the invasion of indigenous lands and/or the invasion of protected lands.

The providers who don’t comply with the policy may see their contract suspended until they comply and can prove they can apply the policy accurately. Should any compliance issue be observed during the monitoring process, the farm will be banned and will not be allowed to sell its products to GPA.
Since the implementation of the policy until the end of 2019, 23 providers have been excluded...


Amazon indigenous communities & NGOs sue supermarket Casino Group over alleged links to deforestation & land grabs

Groupe Casino lawsuit (re Amazon deforestation and land rights in Brazil and Colombia, filed in France)

Groupe Casino lawsuit (re Amazon deforestation and land rights in Brazil and Colombia, filed in France)