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Paula Escalada Medrano, EFE

Mexico: San Quintin strike evidences the near-slavery conditions of Mexican rural workers


“Mexican day laborers, forgotten farmworkers living in near-slavery”, 13 Apr 2015

Stories about forgotten Mexican farm laborers occasionally emerge…but then silence returns and the men and women who sleep on the ground continue supplying the products that fill North America's grocery stores….One of the "rescue operations" happened…when Mexican authorities found almost 200 laborers working in deplorable conditions in a field in Baja California…A report released recently by the Laborers Network said there were more than 2 million farm laborers subject to abuses in Mexico, working in near-slavery, in 18 states…Some 60 percent of laborers are Indians….Some 20 percent of migrant laborers…are minors… The group has documented the deaths of at least 40 children in farm fields since 2007…
