Myanmar: Garment workers fined if attendance is not recorded by machine
日期: 2023年10月25日
地點: 緬甸
El Corte Inglés - Buyer , Mango - Buyer , Universal Apparel - Supplier , Moores - Buyer受影響的
受影響的總人數: 1000
工人: ( 1000 - 地點未知 , 衣服和紡織品 , Gender not reported )議題
Wage Theft回應
載有回應的故事: (查看更多)
後續行動: Universal Apparel allegedly supplies to Mango, El Corte Ingles and Moores; El Cortes Ingles provided a response to a request for comment from the Resource Centre, stating the company will be initiating a responsible exit, to be completed in 2025. Mango and Moores did not respond.
資訊來源: News outlet
"500 MMK fine for missing an entry record at Universal Garment", 25 October 2023
Workers told Myanmar Labor News that Universal Apparel...has an attendance machine which records entry and [exit] and [workers] have to pay 500 Kyats immediately if they are not recorded.
"If someone is not recorded for any kind of reason, they will start yelling for 500 MMK fine with the microphone," said a worker.
"Workers have said that Universal Garment has had that detector for more than 2 years...The clerks also collect[s] the attendance list, even after recording with the machine" he said.
Even though the clerks list the attendance, the workers still need to pay 500MMK fine if they miss the machine record.
The workers also said that [the] record system is convenient...for entry but it [is] not for exit as there is always a crowd and there are many workers who don’t get recorded.
"As for the workers, they have to pay the fine every time the machine doesn’t register them without knowing there is errors. We don't know who is doing what with that money... " a worker said.
Workers said that Universal Garment Factory Universal Apparel Co., Ltd. is located at Ngwe Pinle Industrial Zone, Hlaing Thar and owned by a Korean National.
The factory operates with more than 1,000 workers and manufactures[for] brands such as ELCORTE [and] MOORES...