Myanmar: Union leaders at garment factory allegedly dismissed under pretence of low orders
日期: 2023年10月25日
地點: 緬甸
Frasers Group - Buyer , Blåkläder - Buyer , Amava Apparel - Supplier , Karrimor - Buyer受影響的
受影響的總人數: 1000
工人: ( 1000 - 地點未知 , 衣服和紡織品 , Gender not reported )議題
Occupational Health & Safety , 性別歧視 , 強姦和性侵犯 , 結社自由 , Mandatory overtime , Wage Theft回應
載有回應的故事: (查看更多)
後續行動: Amava Apparel allegedly supplies to Blaklader and Fraser Group for its Karrimor brand; Neither brand provided a response to a request for comment from the Resource Centre.
資訊來源: News outlet
"They say that the union is being destroyed by reducing the labor force of trade union leaders and members", 25 October 2023
AMAVA APPAREL garment factory workers in Pathein, Irrawaddy said that workers working on the garment line with trade union leaders and members were reduced due to the lack of orders at the factory.
The factory is owned by Sri Lankan citizens and employs around 1,000 workers, sewing the BLAKLADER brand.
At the garment factory, the workers said that the department lines with trade union leaders and members have been reduced and dismantled 4 times, claiming that there were no orders...
In the early part of 2023, union leaders and union members were reduced, and on October 20th, it was reported that labor union leaders and labor union member lines were to be reduced in workforce...
"In the factory, only the lines with trade union leaders and members are being laid off...Those who have been reduced are not called back....Gender, LGBT "There is discrimination and sexual abuse from the super[visors], and the cleaning staff is also called to work on Sundays, and they are not paid (double) wages, but they only pay five thousand per day," said a worker at the factory.
Under the pretext of the difficulty of employment opportunities, labor union members are not accepted when they apply for jobs, as if they are committing labor rights violations. It is reported that they have been blacklisted.
"As workers, we believe that by choosing lines with union leaders and members and reducing the number of workers, this is intentionally destroying the union...," the workers said.
"The factory made a decision at the WCC that they would call back those who were reduced as a priority. When I went to ask for this decision letter, I went to the government office and was told that workers are being called in...," said a member of the labor union who participated in the reduction...
In the workplace, people who are entitled to medical leave are not allowed to receive medical leave...
In February 2023, there were cases where workers from the factory were informed that they would not give medical certificates to the workers, and there were cases where the health issues related to occupational safety and health were being openly violated and the regulatory departments turned a blind eye.
On the 29th of July 2019, labor rights were violated. About 1,000 workers gathered in front of the factory to make a 19-point demand due to workplace oppression and sexual harassment.
[Translation via Google Translate]