Myanmar: Union negotiates compensation for workers after temporary factory closure
日期: 2021年9月10日
地點: 緬甸
Dong Yu Garment - Supplier , Bestseller - Buyer受影響的
受影響的總人數: 500
工人: ( 500 - 地點未知 , 衣服和紡織品 , Gender not reported )議題
Wage Theft回應
載有回應的故事: (查看更多)
後續行動: Dong Yu Garment allegedly supplies to Bestseller; Bestseller provided a response to a request for comment from the Resource Centre.
資訊來源: Social Media
“IWFM agrees to pay legal compensation for temporary closure of DONGYU plant”,
During the temporary closure of the…DONGYU garment factory, the Myanmar Federation of Manufacturers and Industrial Workers (IWFM) negotiated for the employer to pay severance pay in accordance with the law. According to IWFM leaders, a labor agreement has been reached…
After the military coup, it was temporarily closed in June due to delays in obtaining raw materials. IWFM leaders helped to resolve the issue, as the employer did not specify the compensation process for the temporary closure and did not consult with union leaders...
...due to the current situation on the part of the business owners, it is not possible to say exactly when it will reopen. As a result, the workers are worried that their employers will run away… At first, it was not clear what part of the compensation would be paid…a meeting was held with the factory leaders. It will be paid in accordance with the law, ”said a leader of the IWFM…