Myanmar: Union states workers are working in dangerous conditions as water leaks into the factory
日期: 2023年9月23日
地點: 緬甸
FieldCore - Buyer , Hong Miao Garment - Supplier , Paseos - Buyer受影響的
受影響的總人數: 374
工人: ( 374 - 地點未知 - 未知行业 , Gender not reported )議題
Occupational Health & Safety回應
Response sought: 是
載有回應的故事: (查看更多)
後續行動: Hong Miao Garment allegedly supplies to FieldCore and Paseos; neither brand provided a response to a request for comment from the Resource Centre.
資訊來源: News outlet
"Huang Myoung garment factory’s workplace from Thar Dhu Kan Industrial Zone is in bad condition", 23 September 2023
The Union of United Workers (Myanmar) STUM has disclosed the situation of water entering the HONG MIAO Garment Co; Ltd workplace today on September 21. The factory [is] located on No 4, Road, thar Dhu Kan Industrial Zone, Shwe Pyi Thar Township, Yangon.
That factory is also known for manufacturing...FieldCore brands.
“Are the lives of the Burmese labours in your garment factory worthless? Do you see how bad the conditions are? Do you see the labours working in fear of losing their jobs? It's like the [workers] are forced to wait an electric shock. Those who entered and inspected ignore the issues. The head of the district who came to check told the owner to fire the labours if they eat betel nuts. They turn a deaf ear on labours’ dangers.", STUM wrote...