Myanmar: Workers at AMG factory reported to have faced poverty wage and attacks on freedom of association
日期: 2023年6月21日
地點: 緬甸
AMG Garment - Supplier , ALPS - Buyer , Lidl - Buyer受影響的
受影響的總人數: 1000
工人: ( 1000 - 地點未知 , 衣服和紡織品 , Gender not reported )議題
恐嚇和威脅 , 結社自由 , Poverty Wages回應
載有回應的故事: (查看更多)
後續行動: AMG Garment allegedly supplies to Lidl for its Esmara brand and ALPS Brands; Lidl provided a response to a request for comment from the Resource Centre. ALPS Brands did not.
資訊來源: News outlet
"AMG factory workers demand an increase of 5,600 kyats and pay overtime in accordance with the law"
According to the workers, the AMG factory workers have demanded an increase of 5,600 kyats in wages and overtime pay in accordance with the law.
It is reported that the AMG garment factory opened on U Tun Nyo Street and is operating with over a thousand workers...
It is reported that the factory is owned by Chinese people and manufactures brands such as esmara, ALPS...
A trade union has been formed in the workplace. On 26 April 2023, for the first time, the leaders of the labor union asked the employer to increase the wages, so the employer and the labor union agreed on 1 June 2023. They negotiated three (3) times and were informed by the employer that they could not raise the salary...
Currently, labor leaders who demand labor rights are being monitored and are facing threats, according to workers...
Under the current situation, the price of goods and wages for food are low and there are difficulties, so the workers want to fully meet their demands, he said.