Myanmar: Workers at Yar Thet Pan shoe factory report that they do not receive the wages and benefits they're entitled to
日期: 2023年5月19日
地點: 緬甸
Yar Thet Pan - Supplier受影響的
受影響的總人數: 50
工人: ( 50 - 地點未知 , 鞋類 , Gender not reported )議題
Denial of leave , Wage Theft , Personal Health , 懷孕歧視回應
Response sought: 否
資訊來源: News outlet
"Workers demand that they get benefits and social security rights in the workplace"
According to the workers, the Yar Thet Pan shoe factory, which is operating in Hlaingtharya Township, Hlaingthayar Township, Yangon Region, does not [provide] the benefits that the workers are entitled to.
The shoe [factory], which operates with more than 50 workers, was first opened in 2022. Workers in the workplace, without the benefit of casual medical leave, etc., are entitled to 5,000 kyats in case of emergency leave. It is reported that 5,000 kyats per day fee was cut ...
"I see that they took advantage of the workers' lack of understanding of the law and forced them," said the worker, who did not want to be named.
The workers want to enjoy the benefits of the workplace law, such as casual leave and medical leave, and because they do not have to pay social security fees, the workers have no right to visit social security clinics, so they have to visit outside clinics, and the workers say that they are having difficulties because their daily allowances are being cut.
"Employers do not officially provide social security, so workers do not have to pay social security contributions and are not entitled to benefits. It is even worse for pregnant women," said the worker.
He said that he wants the workers to get the benefits of the above-mentioned money cuts and the benefits of social security benefits.