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NGOs report BHP Billiton’s operations impact access to water & labour rights, and allegedly contribute to displacement, pollution & climate change

In November 2011 a group of NGOs including London Mining Network & Friends of the Earth released BHP Billiton: Dirty Energy ‘Alternative Annual Report 2011'.

The report raises concerns about how BHP Billiton’s operations impact access to water & labour rights, and allegedly contribute to displacement, pollution & climate change.  It refers to impacts in Australia, Colombia & Indonesia.  The report also raises concerns about the social & environmental impacts of other companies including: Adaro Energy, Aramark, Cerrejón & MPX Energy.

Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited BHP Billiton, Adaro Energy, Aramark, Cerrejón & MPX Energy to respond to the criticisms raised in the report.

Company responses & non-responses

BHP Billiton response [DOC]

Adaro Energy response: "Please refer to BHP Billiton's response."

Aramark declined to respond

Cerrejón: "Thank you for the opportunity to contribute to the BHRRC publication on BHP Billiton, one of the shareholders of Cerrejon.  We understand that BHP Billiton has responded directly to BHRRC and Cerrejon does not have any further comment to provide."

MPX Energy declined to respond


Adaro Energy 瀏覽回應


Cerrejón Coal (former joint venture Anglo American, BHP & Glencore; now part of Glencore) 瀏覽回應
MPX (part of EBX)

