Oman: Eight Indian construction workers reportedly "stranded" after employer fails to pay wages
日期: 2024年5月26日
地點: 阿曼
Not Reported ( 建築 ) - Employer受影響的
受影響的總人數: 8
移民和移民工人: ( 8 - 印度 , 建築 , Men , Documented migrants )議題
Wage Theft , 扣留身份證件 , Restricted mobility回應
Response sought: 否
後續行動: None reported.
資訊來源: News outlet
"Eight workers stranded in Muscat yearn to return home,"
Eight migrant workers allegedly stranded without salary at Muscat in Oman sought the assistance of the state govt for their safe return to their native places.
Out of the eight labourers, six are from Ganjam district and one each from Jagatsinghpur and Kurda districts.
They had gone to Oman through two labour contractors on March 18 and were engaged in a construction company in Muscat.
The company had reportedly assured to pay them Rs40,000 a month and provide them free food at their workplace.
"Even though two months have passed since they started working, they are yet to receive their monthly salary," alleged Kishor Chandra Sethi, whose son... is one of the victims.
"The company authorities have taken away their documents. Now the authorities are demanding Rs1.5 lakh from each of them to set them free," he said...