Part 2: Forgotten Filipinos struggle to remain in Belgium
日期: 2023年6月7日
地點: 比利時
Manpower Resources of Asia - Recruiter , Job Talent - Labour Supplier受影響的
受影響的總人數: 數字未知
移民和移民工人: ( 數字未知 - 菲律賓 - 未知行业 , Men , Undocumented migrants )議題
Reasonable Working Hours & Leisure Time , Poverty Wages , Wage Theft , Precarious/Unsuitable Living Conditions回應
已邀請回應:是,由The outlet; the Resource Centre
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後續行動: Neither Job Talent nor Manpower Resources of Asia responded to the Resource Centre's request for comment.
資訊來源: News outlet
…The discovery of trafficked laborers, including 65 Filipinos, at the Borealis plant in Antwerp led the Belgian government to grant them temporary residence…
Among the 65 workers, Henry, the Batangueño pipe fitter, couldn’t stand working for Flemish manpower agency Job Talent...
The agency sent him to live in the city of Zaventem while going to Antwerp as a pipe fitter, around an hour away..
… with regulations that seemed unnecessarily expensive and punitive…
…Henry and his four other housemates had to give up €95 (P5,784) a week, bringing down his take-home pay…
Job Talent refused to be interviewed. They only emailed a response saying, “We are indeed the leading organization in the employment of Filipino technical workers. We work 100% in compliance with Belgian labor laws and are accredited in the Philippines.”
Manpower Resources of Asia … is listed as Job Talent’s Philippine partner in numerous job listings…
IREM said it remains “committed to fully cooperate with the Belgian authorities and to provide all available evidence to allow the authorities to ascertain the correctness of the conduct of the company.” It also pointed out that almost a year since, it has yet to contend with official charges…
Borealis maintained its innocence, implying in a statement that culpability lies with IREM…