[PDF] Statement by the African Coalition for Corporate Accountability (ACCA) on the occasion of the first ever African Regional Forum on Business and Human Rights
'Statement by the African Coalition for Corporate Accountability (ACCA) on the occasion of the first ever African Regional Forum on Business and Human Rights', 9 Oct 2014: On the occasion of the African Regional Forum on Business and Human Rights...the African Coalition for Corporate Accountability (ACCA) welcomes the first meeting of this kind on the continent...[However] ACCA notes with concern the weak participation by business...domestic and foreign...state-owned enterprises, as well as...our governments. We hope...in...future there will be a stronger presence...and greater interest...in this debate. We...urge the co-hosts to continue to facilitate greater participation of affected communities to share their first-hand experiences...ACCA hopes and recommends that future initiatives...will...[i]nclude the development of concrete, time-bound strategies to address...[the formulation] of national action plans...strategies to address...implementation gaps of existing human rights mechanisms...[and] together with critical stakeholders an African strategy to implement the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights...