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Response from Hassanesco to Migrant-Rights.org regarding repatriation of workers without dues

MR has written to the aforementioned companies for their comments and will include their responses if and when received

Response from Hassanesco

Response from Hassenesco Trading and Contracting Company

“With Reference to the email dated on 31.08.2022, The Hassanesco Trading and Contracting Group of company is established in 1976 with the capacity of 12000 manpower strength. Hassenesco is doing ethical recruitments from various countries to fulfil the requirement of the company time to time.
Meanwhile, we did workers repatriation accordingly to the Qatar Labour law with settled of all the dues till the last date of work if the worker is eligible for it.
This is further to inform that expats with Qatar Residence permit are free to change the job any time to new company even without existing company authorization as per Qatar Labour Law.”
