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Response from Lidl GB re alleged abusive living conditions at Castleton Farm

The Resource Centre invited Lidl to respond to the source article and to:

  • Confirm whether Lidl sources from Castleton; if not, when did you cease sourcing?
  • Disclose any human rights due diligence Lidl undertakes prior to entering into contracts with suppliers and when monitoring working conditions at suppliers;
  • Disclose the steps taken to investigate the abuse reported; and,
  • Disclose the steps taken to remedy workers for the unsuitable living conditions reported.

Thank you for inviting Lidl to respond to allegations relating to seasonal migrant workers at the Aberdeenshire farm, Castleton. Along with a number of other supermarkets, Lidl Great Britain does currently source berries from Castleton Farm, via a direct supplier...

Where allegations are made, directly to Lidl or otherwise, Lidl works closely with all relevant stakeholders, including suppliers and growers, and where necessary takes steps to investigate and remediate allegations.

In the case of Castleton, we are currently reviewing the results of a recent third-party assessment conducted in August of this year, which will help define any next steps. We take these allegations incredibly seriously and will work with our supply chain partners if action is required to ensure they are addressed.
