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The Wire

Russia: Deceived Indian migrant workers forced into combat despite Indian Governments recent intervention

" Despite Russian ‘Sense of Promise’ on Release of Indians, Punjab Man Ordered to Frontline: Report", 13 July 2024

The Indian Express cited the man as saying he was not serving in the Russian military of his own accord and that he was told to fight on the frontline days after Modi's visit to Moscow.


“After PM Modi went back, now the whole unit is going to the frontline, and I have also been told to join the unit,” Singh told IE, adding that he was earlier told he and other serving Indians would be sent back home.


IE cited Singh as saying he did not join the Russian military on his own accord. He said he went to Russia to bolster his travel history in an attempt to qualify for work in the UK, but was handed over to the Russian Military when he was found without a visa on a trip to Belarus.

Singh is among several Indians who were reportedly deceived and coerced into fighting for the Russian military. Some of them reached Russia to work in minor security roles but said they were forced to fight in active combat areas.


There has been no official announcement from the Russian government of a commitment to expeditiously release serving Indians.