Thai Company’s Return to Sugar Group Challenged by NGOs
9 Feb 2016
Three local NGOs have filed a complaint with international sugar industry group Bonsucro for readmitting Thai sugar giant Mitr Phol even though thousands of families forced off the company’s former plantations in Oddar Meanchey province have yet to be fully compensated.
Membership in the group confers a sort of stamp of approval indicating that a company practices sustainable sugar sourcing…
…“In plain terms, MPG seriously deepened the impoverishment and suffering of a large number of already very poor people, and now MPG has a responsibility to do everything within its power to remedy the damage it caused.”…
Rights groups accuse Mitr Phol of forcing some 2,000 families off their farms and out of their homes since 2008, often with the help of local authorities who burned down their houses and threw some people in jail for trying to resist…