UK: Migrant facilities workers for Harrods to strike over "discriminatory" holiday policy affecting Black & Asian workers; incl. co. comment
日期: 2024年8月24日
地點: 英國
Harrods - Employer受影響的
受影響的總人數: 數字未知
移民和移民工人: ( 數字未知 - 非洲 , 清潔與保養 , Gender not reported , Unknown migration status ) , 移民和移民工人: ( 數字未知 - 印度 , 清潔與保養 , Men , Unknown migration status ) , 移民和移民工人: ( 數字未知 - 亞洲與太平洋地區 , 清潔與保養 , Gender not reported , Unknown migration status )議題
Denial of leave , 訊息獲取 , 種族/民族/階層/出身歧視 , 結社自由回應
Response sought: 否
資訊來源: News outlet
"Harrods migrant cleaners to strike over limit on length of trips to visit family,"
Dozens of migrant cleaners at Harrods are preparing to strike over “discriminatory” holiday policy affecting Black and Asian workers as the company celebrates its 175th anniversary, The Independent can reveal.
The policy, which a union has described as “new” and “draconian”, limits workers’ holidays to a maximum of two weeks which will restrict their ability to take time off to visit their families abroad.
Harrods’ facilities workers received notification of new guidelines in June, resulting in those who had already arranged and paid for their holidays left scrambling to cancel or change their plans...
Since the announcement, the workers claim Harrods has turned down holiday requests longer than two weeks amid accusations that the company is “undermining the welfare of its migrant workforce” comprised of cleaners from Asia and Africa.
Petros Elia, general secretary of United Voices of the World (UVW) union representing the cleaners, told The Independent that she considers this policy is tantamount to race discrimination...
Despite raising concerns about this “unfair” policy via their union, the UVW claims the luxury company has completely ignored the workers’ issues...
The cleaners have now instructed their union UVW to send Harrods a Notice of Intention to Ballot (NOIB) and strike dates will be announced soon...
A [Harrods] spokesperson said: “There has been no introduction of a new policy in relation to holidays at Harrods. Harrods clarified existing company policy, which limits holiday length during peak periods, as defined by the specific divisional needs of the business....
“UVW is not a recognised union by Harrods and therefore we do not engage with this organisation on our policies.”