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USA: Amazon accused of 'aggressive anti-union tactics' after training video is leaked; Incl. Amazon's response & Whole Worker rejoinder

Amazon has been accused of "aggressive anti-union tactics" after a 45-minute video produced by Amazon and sent to Team Leaders of the Amazon-owned grocery chain Whole Foods was leaked in September 2018. The video contains six sections, which the narrator states are “specifically designed to give you the tools that you need for success when it comes to labor organizing.” More details can be found in the article linked below, which includes comments by Amazon.

In July 2019, Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited Amazon to respond to allegations of anti-union tactics. Amazon responded that workers must not be penalized or subjected to harassment or intimidation for the non-violent exercise of their right to join or refrain from joining such legal organizations. Its full response is included below.

Business & Human Rights Resource Centre received a rejoinder to Amazon's response from Whole Worker, a grassroots movement of Whole Foods team members. Whole Worker said Amazon failed to acknowledge or address the training video in its response and said by invoking the possibility of violence Amazon was engaging in another union-busting tactic. The full rejoinder is also included below.