USA: FCC votes in favor of net neutrality and digital rights protections
"The FCC Takes Its First Step Toward Reversing Trump-Era Ruling That Stripped Internet Users of Their Right to an Open and Affordable Internet", 19 October 2023
...[T]he Federal Communications Commission voted 3–2 to begin a rulemaking process to reinstate Net Neutrality protections. The agency can restore these protections by reclassifying high-speed-internet access services under Title II of the Communications Act. This will give the agency the authority it needs to hold companies like AT&T, Comcast and Verizon accountable to internet users in the United States.
In late September, FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel announced the agency’s intention to introduce a “Notice of Proposed Rulemaking” shortly after the agency gained a full complement of commissioners, and the Democratic majority it needed to begin this proceeding.
Since the Trump-era FCC repealed the Open Internet Order in 2017, people from across the political spectrum have called on the agency to protect an open internet and assert the agency’s authority to prevent broadband providers from harming online users.
Just prior to today’s vote, Rosenworcel said: “The [Trump-FCC repeal] put the agency on the wrong side of history, the wrong side of the law and the wrong side of the American public.”...