VF response to allegations on working conditions at Jerash Holdings & Garment MNF
At VF, we believe all workers across our supply chain are entitled to dignified treatment and equal opportunities for dialogue and advancement. We proactively collaborate with our suppliers to monitor working conditions and implement programs that elevate the protection and respect of human rights of workers in our supply chain. All suppliers working with VF must adhere to our Global Compliance Principles and our Terms of Engagement. These principles outline our expectations for how every business partner and supplier behaves and treats their workers.
We are aware of the claims made in the article published by Arbetaren in September, and VF takes these allegations seriously. We work closely with both Jerash and Atlanta facilities on an ongoing basis. Both supplier partners collaborate with VF teams to implement worker rights programs, such as programs that focus on informing and training migrant workers about their rights. Additionally, Better Work conducts independent annual assessments to understand facility conditions and practices. Upon seeing the article by Arbetaren we reached out to and visited both suppliers to review and discuss the situation and identify opportunities for improvement.
As always, we will continue to stay in close contact with these suppliers, and all VF supplier partners, to ensure compliance with VF’s standards as outlined above.