‘We need to assert our power - or we’ll get trampled on’: the cleaner sacked for eating a tuna sandwich
日期: 2024年8月3日
地點: 英國
Cleanology - Employer , etc.venues Ltd - Client受影響的
受影響的總人數: 數字未知
移民和移民工人: ( 數字未知 - 布吉納法索 , 清潔與保養 , Women , Unknown migration status )議題
Wage Theft , Dismissal , 訊息獲取回應
回應的外部鏈接: (查看更多)
後續行動: Cleanology told journalists that the mistake in the worker's pay occurred only once, and that her incorrect use of the vacuum cleaner was a health and safety issue. The chief executive claims that her sacking was entirely lawful and rejects any suggestion of discrimination.
資訊來源: News outlet
日期: 2024年8月3日
地點: 英國
Not Reported ( 清潔與保養 ) - Employer , Not Reported ( 行業未知/不適用 ) - Client受影響的
受影響的總人數: 1
移民和移民工人: ( 數字未知 - 美洲 , 清潔與保養 , Men , Unknown migration status )議題
Dismissal , Harassment (other than sexual) , 受傷回應
Response sought: 否
後續行動: After the support from a trade union, the worker defied his employer's attempts to fire him. He is now working back inside the 'media giant', but feels isolated and now works in what he describes as a 'horrible' atmosphere.
資訊來源: News outlet
…At the moment when Gabriela Rodriguez discovered she had been sacked for eating a tuna sandwich, she was carrying the bins out…
…Rodriguez joined the tens of thousands of Latin American migrants who have made their home in the capital in recent decades…The work was hard, and her employment structures fiendishly complicated…
…Rodriguez began a new set of jobs with Total Clean…
… She was dismissed with immediate effect, not only from Devonshires but also from her other job with Total Clean, at the clothing giant Stradivarius…
…Devonshires said Rodriguez was employed by Total Clean and that her dismissal took place without the law firm’s knowledge…Total Clean declined to comment…
The question of who is afforded basic humanity within the workplace, and who is denied it, defines so many similar cases, according to …an organiser at the United Voices of the World trade union, which now represents… is taking both Total Clean and Devonshires to an employment tribunal under a claim of unfair dismissal…
…UVW is currently representing another cleaner, Aoua Coulibaly, who was sacked in April by the outsourcing company Cleanology from her job at Etc.venues…
[Cleanology’s co-founder and chief executive is Dominic Ponniah] claims that her sacking was entirely lawful and rejects any suggestion of discrimination…Etc.venues did not respond to requests for comment…