When Pan American Silver bought the Escobal mine, it bought a legacy of violence
日期: 2019年5月7日
地點: 瓜地馬拉
Pan American Silver - Parent Company , Tahoe Resources (now Pan American Silver)項目
Escobal Mine - Unknown受影響的
受影響的總人數: 數字未知
社區: ( 數字未知 - 地點未知 - 未知行业 , Gender not reported )議題
恐嚇和威脅 , 殺害 , 土著人 , 自由、事先與知情同意 , 抗議回應
Response sought: 否
資訊來源: News outlet
…Shareholders of one of the world's largest silver mining companies will meet…to discuss their latest acquisition -- the conflict-ridden Escobal mine in southeastern Guatemala, acquired by Pan American Silver when it bought Tahoe Resources…The Escobal…is currently suspended due to widespread and long-term community opposition to the project. Impacted communities argue that mining is incompatible with their ways of life, culture, and spirituality. For nearly two years, operations have been suspended…Ahead of [the]…shareholder meeting, the Xinka Parliament issued a call to shareholders: "It is important that the shareholders and the general public are fully aware that the consultation ordered by the Constitutional Court is not a simple administrative process as the mining company has presented it. The continuation or not of the Escobal mining project depends on the consultation, given the size of the project and its impact on the Xinka People. The purpose of the consultation is not to come to an agreement, but to obtain our consent. We want to emphasize that the legal and social struggle that we have been carrying out to recover our territory is not over. We are not willing to allow the continual violation of our rights, and we will not rest until our territory is completely free of mining."