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Wassa Association of Communities Affected by Mining (WACAM) [Ghana]

[PDF] Report on health and safety risks and accidents associated with the operations of Newmont Ahafo mine

Despite the proclaimed values of Newmont Ghana Gold Limited and the requirement to meet the IFC Performance Standard 4, Wacam is deeply worried about the increasing deaths, accidents, injuries, and health and safety risks associated with the operations of Newmont Ahafo mine...[T]he result of our investigations into the health and safety risks of Newmont Ahafo operations indicate 14 deaths and injuries to community people...Considering the safety, social, economic and cultural problems associated with the dams of Newmont Ahafo mine, we have cause to doubt whether the dams were constructed based on internationally accepted safety standards. We call on government to institute investigations into the social, economic, safety, cultural problems associated with the dams constructed by Newmont Ahafo mine for its operations