[PDF] Brief on Concerns Related to Project-Level Non-Judicial Grievance Mechanisms
In this brief we focus on some key concerns with Project-Level Non-Judicial Grievance Mechanisms based on our engagement with these mechanisms at Barrick Gold’s Porgera Joint Venture mine in Papua New Guinea, and African Barrick Gold’s North Mara Gold Mine Ltd. in Tanzania...[A]reas of concern include…Lack of meaningful consultation on the remedial process and on the remedy itself…Non-rights compatible remedy…[We found that the victims] did not agree with the remedy they were offered through the program…Ad hoc process…Lack of transparency…[P]iecemeal information [is] provided only when the programs have come under public scrutiny, and often too late to improve the programs in a meaningful and rights-compatible manner…Legal waivers obtained through a non-judicial mechanism unnecessarily create barriers to judicial remedy for claimants who may decide to take legal action against a company for the harm covered by the waiver…