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31 May 2023

Road to rights: Companies respond to allegations linked to infrastructure projects in EECA

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In May 2023, the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre published Road to rights: The human cost of the new “Middle Corridor” - an analysis of the scale and scope of human rights abuse linked to infrastructure investments in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, outlining the approaches which must be urgently adopted to deliver infrastructure which builds shared prosperity and a stable investment environment, as well as avoid the growing corporate regulatory, legal and reputational risks of abusing human and environmental rights.

The briefing focuses on completed, ongoing and planned infrastructure projects with actual and potential risks. The briefing also outlines recommendations for investors and companies to ensure further development is not accompanied by human rights and environmental abuse.

In line with the Resource Centre’s strategy and libel policy, we made every effort to reach out to companies and investors accused of abuse and ask them to respond to allegations made using our Company Response Mechanism (unless the company has already publicly commented on the case, or if the abuse is the basis of a lawsuit or regulatory action, or the company has no website or contacts to reach to them).

We received nine responses - four responses from companies and five responses from investors.

All company/investor responses and non-responses can be found below.

Respuestas de la empresa

China Railway Construction

Sin respuesta

China Development Bank

Sin respuesta

JP Autoceste FBiH Ver respuesta
Asian Development Bank (ADB) Ver respuesta
Longhai Road and Bridge Corporation

Sin respuesta

China Road and Bridge Corporation

Sin respuesta

China Exim

Sin respuesta

Saudi Fund for Development

Sin respuesta

Hunan Road & Bridge Construction Group Company Limited

Sin respuesta

Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, AIIB

Sin respuesta

China Xinxing Construction & Development Co

Sin respuesta

State Company KazAvtoZhol JSC

Sin respuesta

Akzhol Kurylys LLP

Sin respuesta

AzVirt LLC

Sin respuesta

Assana DorStroy LLP

Sin respuesta

City Transportation Systems LLP

Sin respuesta

China Railway International Group

Sin respuesta

Beijing State-Owned Assets Management Co., Ltd.

Sin respuesta

Bakad Investment and Operations LLP Ver respuesta
Alsim Alarko Sanayi Tesisleri ve Ticaret A.S.

Sin respuesta

Makyol Insaat Sanayi Turizm ve Ticaret A.S.

Sin respuesta

SK Engineering and Construction

Sin respuesta

Korea Expressway Corporation Ver respuesta
Bank of China

Sin respuesta

Dutch pension fund PGGM

Sin respuesta

China Railway 23rd Bureau Group (part of CRCC)

Sin respuesta

Georgian Railway JSC

Sin respuesta

European Investment Bank (EIB)

Sin respuesta

China National Water Resources & Hydropower Engineering (Sinohydro)

Sin respuesta

China Railway Tunnel Group Co., Ltd. (subsidiary of CREC)

Sin respuesta

Shandong Hi-Speed ​​International (SDHS)

Sin respuesta

Western Balkans Investment Framework

Sin respuesta

Vodno Stroitelstvo-Blagoevgrad

Sin respuesta

ENKA Insaat ve Sanayi A.S. Ver respuesta

Sin respuesta

Granit Construction Stock Co.

Sin respuesta

Victoria Invest LLC

Sin respuesta


Sin respuesta

Cijevna Komerc

Sin respuesta

China Railway Group (CREC) (part of China Railway Engineering)

Sin respuesta

Opus Global

Sin respuesta


Sin respuesta

Avtoban JSC

Sin respuesta

Mostotrest PJSC

Sin respuesta

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Ver respuesta
Islamic Development Bank Ver respuesta
Eurasian Development Bank Ver respuesta

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