120 Nepali workers rescued from UAE
Date Reported: 2019年9月20日
場所: アラブ首長国連邦
Advanced Facilities Management Co. - Employer関連
Total individuals affected: 220
移住者・移民労働者: ( 220 - ネパール , クリーニング及びメンテナンス , Gender not reported )課題
Failing to renew visas , 身分証明書の取り上げ , Wage Theft回答
Response sought: Yes, by Resource Centre
Story containing response: (Find out more)
取られた措置: 69 workers signed a petition to the Nepal Embassy in UAE asking for help. After their allegations of abuses were publicized by Nepali media, the embassy expedited its response, liaising with the employer to have the workers’ passports returned and begin repatriation. Around 120 workers have returned to Nepal, with around 100 people still waiting at the time of reporting.
情報源のタイプ: News outlet
[120] workers have been brought to Kathmandu with help from the Nepali embassy in the UAE after officials talked to the worker’s employers to get their passports. The workers had been working for an Abu Dabhi-based company Advance Facility Management Service, without pay.
Around 100 people are still waiting to be sent back home...
The workers had faced problems after their employer didn’t renew their contract, visas and stopped paying them for the past six months...
Around 69 workers had signed a written petition asking the embassy to help them [in July]. The embassy only started to speed up things after news of their ill-treatment started to appear in the Nepali media.