Cambodia: Govt. tackle human trafficking rings as online scams continue to take place
Date Reported: 2021年6月29日
場所: カンボジア
Galaxy World関連
Total individuals affected: Number unknown
移住者・移民労働者: ( 3 - 中国 , テクノロジー: 一般 , Gender not reported )課題
人身売買 , 強制労働と現代の奴隷制 , 傷害 , 恣意的な拘留回答
Response sought: いいえ
取られた措置: The compound he was sold to for $7,500, Galaxy World, has now been shut down by authorities.
情報源のタイプ: News outlet
"Cambodia’s modern slavery nightmare: the human trafficking crisis overlooked by authorities", 2 November 2022
…, Xu Mingjian crept out of a dorm room inside a gated compound in Sihanoukville, Cambodia, and made his way to the second floor, where his friend, another victim of trafficking, was waiting. The two had hatched a desperate plan to escape the modern slavery nightmare they’d been in since Xu was sold to an online scam company in the same building three months earlier, believing a well-paid data entry job awaited him.
They jumped from the balcony onto the first floor of the building next door, hoping to climb down to the ground and run…
“It was so painful and I couldn’t stand up. My friend ran away and left me when he saw I was injured,” he says. “The managers thought I’d die so they didn’t take me back into the building, they just stood watching and laughing at me.”…
Eventually, Xu found his way back to China and was reunited with his family. He is undergoing spinal surgery following the injuries he received in his escape. The compound he was sold to for $7,500, Galaxy World, has now been shut down by authorities…
… The Cambodian government has acknowledged the problem, vowing to eradicate trafficking rings by the end of October. The crackdown follows mounting pressure from local media, embassies and charities. The US Treasury’s downgrade of Cambodia to “Tier 3”… A five-day-long raid on one business park housing illegal online gambling sites seized nearly 10,000 phones and computers, a cache of handcuffs, guns, and tasers, and led to 495 arrests…