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CAN International

CAN International commentary on the UNSG panel's Principles to Guide Critical Energy Transition Minerals

"UN Critical Energy Transition Minerals report", 11 September 2024

"Tasneem Essop, Executive Director of Climate Action Network International said: “The energy transition must be just, equitable, affordable and clean. The CETM panel makes it clear that the necessary and urgent energy transition to 100% renewables is no shortcut to upholding the highest standards for human rights, indigenous peoples rights and environmental protection. 

It acknowledges a long standing civil society demand to limit the harmful impacts of mineral expansion by reducing the pressure on its extraction, and calls on governments to agree on equitable targets on consumption, material efficiency and circularity. Importantly, the panel also recommends banning CETM mining from territories with recognised heritage and natural value.   

Resourcing the energy transition requires a new paradigm rooted in equity and justice, and the CETM panel recommends multiple ways to make this happen... "

CAN International full press release can be accessed here.
