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Latin America Reports

Colombia: The country will resume aerial fumigation with glyphosate in April, states Defense Minister

“Colombia on the verge of restarting aerial fumigation with glyphosate”, 15 February 2021

...Colombia could be just a few weeks away from restarting its controversial fumigation program that sprays the herbicide glyphosate from airplanes to try and kill coca plants, a government official said...Colombia will again become the only country in the world to use the dangerous chemical via aerial spraying. Colombia’s new Defense Minister Diego Molano confirmed again this weekend that the country will try to start up aerial fumigation with glyphosate in April... Colombia stopped spraying the chemical from airplanes in 2015 after years of protest from farmworkers and activists who said it was making residents of Colombia’s rural farmlands sick. Earlier that same year, the World Health Organization said that glyphosate was likely to be carcinogenic. On top of probably having harmful health consequences, the practice of dropping glyphosate from planes has killed off countless acres of legitimate crops across Colombia, further driving farmers into poverty and forcing them to flee their homes...The United States, which directly assisted Colombia in the aerial fumigation program, maintains that there is not enough evidence to suggest the herbicide causes cancer. However, much of the research cited by the U.S. is commissioned by Monsanto, a subsidiary of Bayer, which produces glyphosate...