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FIFA response re Human rights and the bidding processes for the 2030 and 2034 FIFA World Cups

Human rights and the bidding processes for the 2030 and 2034 FIFA World Cups

On 4 October 2023, the FIFA Council has taken key decisions with respect to the bidding for the FIFA World Cup 2030 (FWC 2030) and the FIFA World Cup 2034 (FWC 2034)...

In the coming months, both bids will be subject to a thorough process that will be conducted by the FIFA administration with the final decision taken by the FIFA Congress in Q4 2024. As stated in the Bidding Regulations, the aim of such a bidding process is to secure the best possible hosting conditions in the tournament host countries. From a human rights perspective, and building on the processes conducted for the FWWC 2023 and the FWC 2026, bidders are required to provide FIFA with:

  • An independent human rights context assessment conducted by an independent firm approved by FIFA.
  • A human rights strategy for the event which should build on the results of the independent human rights context assessment and outline a plan to prevent and mitigate key human rights risks, as well seize human rights-related opportunities in the preparation and hosting of the tournament.
  • Several commitments and guarantees with respect to human rights by the bidding member association as well as bidding countries and other entities involved in the bid.

The fulfillment of these human rights requirements are an important part of FIFA’s human rights due diligence associated with these competitions. The submissions will be thoroughly assessed by FIFA in the course of the bidding process as part of the overall bid evaluation. FIFA intends to publish the submissions from bidders as well as the respective FIFA evaluations.

