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Gustavo Palencia, Reuters

Honduras arrests alleged mastermind behind activist's murder


Honduran authorities on Friday said they arrested a high-ranking executive of a hydroelectric company on Friday on charges of helping plan the murder of indigenous environmental activist Berta Caceres two years ago. Roberto David Castillo, executive president of Desarrollos Energeticos (DESA), was arrested at an airport in the north of the country, Honduran prosecutors said... Castillo“was in charge of providing logistics and other resources to one of the perpetrators already prosecuted for the crime,” Public Ministry spokesman Juri Mora told Reuters... Castillo is the second alleged mastermind captured for her murder. Eight other people, including company employees, hired assassins and members of the army, have been arrested and tried. Honduras has seen repeated confrontations between indigenous populations with mining and hydroelectric operations. President Juan Orlando Hernandez, who won reelection in December in a vote marred by fraud allegations, has sought to boost investment in such ventures. Members the activist group that Caceres led gathered Friday in front of prosecutors’ offices in the capital to demand the arrest of more prominent local businessmen they allege are connected to the crime.
