Komnas HAM: Big Gossan tragedy at Freeport is a serious human rights violation [Indonesia]
…The National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) released its findings on the case of the collapse of Big Gossan tunnel that killed 28 miners of PT Freeport Indonesia…“PT Freeport Indonesia has the ability to prevent this from happening but in fact, it did not. The Lack of effort jeopardized the lives of others. This case is serious,” Komnas HAM commissioner Natalius Pigai,said…Pigai said, the National Commission on Human Rights has a sufficient evidence to bring the PT Freeport Indonesia into the realm of law, in this case the head of mining engineering, operations supervisors and technical managers. They could be charged criminally based on the draft Criminal Code (Criminal Code)…[Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited Freeport Mc-MoRan to respond. Response provided.]