South Africa: National Union of Mineworkers in wage dispute with Assmang
Date Reported: 2020年10月20日
場所: 南アフリカ
Assmang Propietary Ltd (Joint venture between Assore (50%) and African Rainbow Minerals (50%)) - Parent Companyプロジェクト
Assmang Manganese Mine(s) in South Africa (Mine Name Unknown) - Unknown関連
Total individuals affected: Number unknown
労働者: ( Number unknown - Location unknown - Sector unknown , Gender not reported )課題
組合の自由 , Strikes and other work stoppages回答
Response sought: いいえ
情報源のタイプ: Press release
"NUM declares a wage dispute with Assmang Manganese and Iron mine in Kuruman", 20 October 2020
The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) in the Kimberley Region has declared a wage dispute with ASSMANG Operations in the Northern Cape. This is after the NUM failed to reach a wage settlement with the company after the intensified engagement, four months ago...
“What puzzles the Union was the utterance from the company’s chief negotiator that they are not negotiating with us, they are giving us what they have. This is very insulting and offensive because this year is the year of wage negotiations. Previously we signed a three-year wage agreement, this time around due to COVID 19, the mandate is to negotiate a one-year wage agreement,” said Cornelius Manhe, NUM Kimberley Regional Secretary...
“The NUM referred the dispute to the CCMA, at some point in time our case was closed for no reason. It is only after we wrote the letter to CCMA Senior commissioner that our matter was reinstated...they refused a meeting with us which was going to be more effective for both parties and they also refused to sign the picketing rules,” Manhe said.
The NUM is currently involved in a mobilization process amongst its members, preparing them for a protected strike...