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White Nile Petroleum Operating (joint venture Petronas, Sudapet)

WNPOC Refutes Allegations by Sign Of Hope Organization

The EIA [Environmental Impact Assessment] carried out for Block 5A reflected that the underground water in the Sudd Basin has a naturally high salinity. The salinity level of our Produced Water is much lower than that of the wells tested by Sign of Hope (SOH). The locations of the water bore holes tested by SOH are also quite a distance away from the CPF .

Part of the following timelines

Soudan : L'exploitation du pétrole par White Nile Petroleum/ Petronas pollue l’eau, nuira à la santé d'environ 300.000 personnes, selon un rapport d’ONG - l'entreprise répond

Sudan: German NGO says White Nile Petroleum Operating (joint venture Petronas, Sudapet) contaminating drinking water