Global Framework Agreement ? Company has signed a Global Framework Agreement, negotiated on a global level with a trade union.
Transparency Pledge ? Company has fully aligned or committed to aligning with the Transparency Pledge standard, by publicly disclosing information about their supplier factories.
現代の奴隷法 アクション
Information in this section obtained through company survey responses, public statements and/or policies. Implementation of actions not verified by suppliers, workers, HRDs or affected communities.
現代の奴隷法 トラッカー
L Brands, Inc. Modern Slavery Legislation Document

L Brands, Inc. Modern Slavery Legislation Document
ソース: https://www.lb.com/responsibility/supply-chain/modern-slavery-transparency-statementCompliance with the requirements as set forth in Sec.54(6) and (7) of the UK Modern Slavery Act was assessed at the time this statement was collected by the Resource Centre.
スナップショットを取得: 2018年11月19日0:00文書全文を見る
L Brands, Inc. Modern Slavery Legislation Document
ソース: https://www.business-humanrights.org/sites/default/files/L%20Brands.pdfCompliance with the requirements as set forth in Sec.54(6) and (7) of the UK Modern Slavery Act was assessed at the time this statement was collected by the Resource Centre.
スナップショットを取得: 2020年3月24日0:00文書全文を見る
L Brands, Inc. Modern Slavery Legislation Document
ソース: https://www.lb.com/binaries/content/assets/pdfs/responsibility/supply-chain/modern-slavery-statement-for-fiscal-2018.pdfCompliance with the requirements as set forth in Sec.54(6) and (7) of the UK Modern Slavery Act was assessed at the time this statement was collected by the Resource Centre.
スナップショットを取得: 2020年9月18日0:00文書全文を見る
ストーリー及び関連回答リクエスト ? We sought responses from L Brands, Inc. to the allegations raised in these stories. Find out more about our Company Response Mechanism.
CHRB 2018
? The 2018 Corporate Human Rights Benchmark assessed 100 of the largest publicly traded companies in the world on a set of human rights indicators.CHRB 2019
? The 2019 Corporate Human Rights Benchmark assesses 200 of the largest publicly traded companies in the world on a set of human rights indicators.KnowTheChain 2018
? KnowTheChain is a resource for companies and investors to understand and address forced labour risks within their global supply chains.KnowTheChain Apparel & Footwear 2021
? KnowTheChain is a resource for companies and investors to understand and address forced labour risks within their global supply chains.上位の関連国
L Brands, Inc. has been referenced in news articles and reports on our website.