18 Gujuratis return home from Riyadh
Date Reported: 2020年3月6日
場所: サウジアラビア
Saudi Specialist Construction - Employer関連
Total individuals affected: Number unknown
移住者・移民労働者: ( Number unknown - バングラデシュ , 建設 , Gender not reported ) , 移住者・移民労働者: ( 61 - インド , 建設 , Gender not reported ) , 移住者・移民労働者: ( Number unknown - パキスタン , 建設 , Gender not reported ) , 移住者・移民労働者: ( Number unknown - スリランカ , 建設 , Gender not reported )課題
食の権利 , Failing to renew visas , Wage Theft回答
Response sought: Yes, by Resource Centre
Story containing response: (Find out more)
取られた措置: The men's labour officer forced their sponsor to provide enough money for them to buy food; only two with valid visas could leave the accommodation to buy food. The workers who have remained in Riyadh have filed a labour court case there. In September 2019 a report on the case was acknowledged by the Indian embassy in Riyadh that they were seeking a solution. Of the 61 Indian workers, 39 were repatriated in February and March of 2020; one had returned the previous year. 21 decided to stay to fight a labour case; 6 of these had then applied to exit visas with the remaining 15 staying in Riyadh.
情報源のタイプ: News outlet
[Of] 20 Gujuratis who were stranded in Riyadh, 18 returned recently. One had returned last year while one has chosen to stay back hoping to win the court case...
61 Indians and several foreign nationals.. were living in deplorable conditions after... Saudi Specialist Construction Limited (SSCL) in Saudi Arabia, ran into problems and the management allegedly deserted the workers…
“We lived in fear of the police… [we] never ventured too far for fear of getting arrested”…
None of the workers had been paid for a year since the company owners abandoned them and for nine months of work before that.