2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar: new complaint against Vinci
Date Reported: 2018年11月22日
場所: カタール
Vinci - Unknown , FIFA - Partnerプロジェクト
Qatar World Cup 2022 Unspecified Projects - Client関連
Total individuals affected: 6
移住者・移民労働者: ( Number unknown - インド , 建設 , Gender not reported ) , 移住者・移民労働者: ( Number unknown - ネパール , 建設 , Gender not reported )課題
Debt Bondage , 威嚇及び脅迫 , 人身売買 , Precarious/Unsuitable Living Conditions , Restricted mobility , 強制労働と現代の奴隷制 , Personal Health , Wage Theft , 移動の自由の否定回答
Response sought: Yes, by Resource Centre
Story containing response: (Find out more)
取られた措置: Human rights group Sherpa had previously lodged a claim against Vinci in February 2018. A second lawsuit against Vinci and its Qatar subsidiary includes new witness statements on the alleged abuses. Sherpa welcomed the positive improvements that followed the first set of legal proceedings and an ILO investigation.
情報源のタイプ: NGO
Sherpa, the Comité contre l’Esclavage Moderne (CCEM) and six former Indian and Nepalese workers file...a new complaint against Vinci, Vinci Construction Grands Projets (VCGP), its Qatar subsidiary, Qatari Diar Vinci Construction (QDVC), and their executives and managers for forced labor and bonded labor, human trafficking, work incompatible with human dignity, failure to provide first aid assistance, deliberate endangerment of people’s lives as well as for concealing profits from these offences. It’s the first time that former Vinci’s employees from Qatar sites file a complaint against the French transnational company.
This new complaint follows an on-site investigation led by Sherpa in India in September 2018, which allowed gathering new elements and testimonies confirming Sherpa’s first investigation of 2014 in Qatar...