Access to Justice and Extractive Industries (UK)
A panel of international legal and industry experts discuss the fraught world of environmental justice, human rights, minerals and mining...EJOLT project (Environmental Justice Organizations, Liabilities and Trade) will also launch its global map of environmental (in)justice. Aidan Davy is deputy president and senior program director at the International Council for Mining and Minerals (ICMM)...Juan Pablo Saenz is a lawyer at the Amazon Defense Coalition...Richard Meeran is a partner at Leigh Day & Co. Richard pioneered claims against UK-based multinationals, Cape PLC for 7,500 South African asbestos victims and Thor Chemicals for South African workers poisoned by mercury. Since 2004, Richard has worked with South African NGOs & gold miners on silicosis claims against Anglo American, and with Tanzanian villagers in a claim against African Barrick Gold. Jake White is a environmental lawyer at Friends of the Earth.