After Historic Union Wins, Farmworkers in New York Face Stiff Resistance to Organizing
Date Reported: 2024年5月8日
場所: アメリカ合衆国
Cahoon Farms - Employer関連
Total individuals affected: Number unknown
移住者・移民労働者: ( Number unknown - ジャマイカ , 農業及び畜産 , Men , Documented migrants ) , 移住者・移民労働者: ( Number unknown - メキシコ , 農業及び畜産 , Gender not reported , Unknown migration status )課題
組合の自由 , Freedom of Assembly , Right to Unionisation , 威嚇及び脅迫 , Dismissal回答
Response sought: Yes, by Journalist
取られた措置: Cahoon Farms did nor respond to journalists' request for comment.
情報源のタイプ: News outlet
Date Reported: 2024年5月8日
場所: アメリカ合衆国
A&J Kirby Farms - Employer関連
Total individuals affected: Number unknown
移住者・移民労働者: ( Number unknown - メキシコ , 農業及び畜産 , Gender not reported , Unknown migration status ) , 移住者・移民労働者: ( Number unknown - ジャマイカ , 農業及び畜産 , Gender not reported , Unknown migration status )課題
Response sought: いいえ
取られた措置: The Resource Centre was not able to contact Kirby Farms to invite a response to the allegations; if a response is received in future this will be updated accordingly.
情報源のタイプ: News outlet
Date Reported: 2024年5月8日
場所: アメリカ合衆国
Lynn-Ette & Sons - Employer関連
Total individuals affected: Number unknown
移住者・移民労働者: ( Number unknown - メキシコ , 農業及び畜産 , Gender not reported , Unknown migration status ) , 移住者・移民労働者: ( Number unknown - ジャマイカ , 農業及び畜産 , Gender not reported , Unknown migration status )課題
組合の自由 , Freedom of Assembly , Right to Unionisation , 威嚇及び脅迫回答
Response sought: いいえ
取られた措置: Charges were filed by the United Farm Workers Union (an unfair labour practice charge).
情報源のタイプ: News outlet
Date Reported: 2024年5月8日
場所: アメリカ合衆国
Wafler Farms - Employer関連
Total individuals affected: Number unknown
移住者・移民労働者: ( Number unknown - メキシコ - Sector unknown , Gender not reported , Unknown migration status ) , 移住者・移民労働者: ( Number unknown - ジャマイカ , 農業及び畜産 , Gender not reported , Unknown migration status )課題
組合の自由 , Freedom of Assembly , Right to Unionisation , 威嚇及び脅迫回答
Response sought: Yes, by Resource Centre
Story containing response: (Find out more)
取られた措置: Wafler Farms did not respond to the Resource Centre.
情報源のタイプ: News outlet
...After the Farm Laborers and Fair Labor Practices Act took effect in 2020, five apple and vegetable farms, including Cahoon, voted to unionize…
The new law, however, grants H-2A visa holders and undocumented laborers the right to unionize and bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing…
But the growers of the previously five unionized companies — Wafler Farms in Wolcott, Porpiglia Farms in Marlboro, Kirby Farms in Albion, Lynn-Ette & Sons Farms in Kent, and Cahoon Farms, where C.A. was recruited — have avoided negotiations with intimidation tactics, according to complaints filed by the UFW. The NYS Vegetable Growers Association and four of the five unionized farms, including Cahoon, also filed a lawsuit to prevent negotiations. Cahoon Farms did nor respond to a request for comment.
According to charges filed by the UFW at the Public Employment Relations Board of New York in 2023, owners of the Porpiglia Farms broke into workers living spaces without permission and physically intimidated a lone female union organizer … At Lynn-Ette & Sons Farms, an owner demanded an organizer to leave and threatened to have her arrested, while at Wafler Farms, an owner directed a profanity-laced rant at his workers caught on video last September…