An Open Letter to Oxfam: Refrain from Accepting Donations from Lev Leviev
Recognizing Oxfam's admirable efforts in defense of human rights and justice worldwide, it is with concern we bring to your attention that...Lev Leviev is touting his charitable contributions to Oxfam...Mr. Leviev's companies, Africa Israel and Leader Management and Development, are displacing Palestinians in the Occupied West Bank and threatening their livelihood by building homes in the Israeli settlements of Zufim, Mattiyahu East, Maale Adumim and Har Homa. Previously Danya Cebus, the subsidiary of Africa Israel that builds settlements, was also contracted to build homes in the settlement of Adam. The five settlements in which Leviev has built homes seize vital Palestinian water resources and agricultural land...Africa Israel...controls 26% percent of Dor Energy...Ha'aretz Daily disclosed on Dec. 3 that Dor Energy, the sole fuel supplier to the people of Gaza...independently and severely cut Gaza's fuel supply despite the tragic repercussions for ordinary civilians...Leviev shares headquarters with and employs the private security firm K&P Mineira, which has been accused of torturing, sexually abusing and even murdering Angolans so that they "can be the sole beneficiaries of the diamond resources leaving locals with virtually nothing"...The European Union has threatened Leviev with prosecution if he fails to abide by EU sanctions against the oppressive Burmese regime.