Apple に対して回答していない
UK: Court pronounces National Crime Agency refusal to investigate cotton from suspected Uyghur forced labour as unlawful, putting importers at risk of prosecution
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USA: Chinese seafood, aluminum & footwear factories added to US entity list over alleged forced labour links
USA: 26 textile firms added to forced labour entity list over alleged link with labour camps in Xinjiang
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USA: DOL official says conducting due diligence on forced labour in Xinjiang "impossible", only way to comply with UFLPA is not to operate there
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Canada: CORE closes complaint against GobiMin over alleged Uyghur forced labour links after co. engages & commits to responsible exit policy
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Taiwan: Cabinet considers ban on import and export of goods made with forced labour
Opinion: A window of opportunity for Western companies to stop sourcing from Xinjiang
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Volkswagen cars held up at US ports over part linked to allegations of forced labour in Xinjiang
China: Volkswagen in talks over future of Xinjiang site following renewed concerns over human rights
USA: Lawmakers urge administration to intensify actions against imports tied to Chinese forced labour, including e-commerce loopholes used by Shein and Temu
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Zara Canada investigated in relation to allegations of Uyghur forced labour in its supply chain
China: Former prison employees allege forced labour and exploitation of Uyghur inmates in Keriye Prison, Xinjiang
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Canadian Ombudsperson for Responsible Enterprise probes Nike, Dynasty Gold over alleged use of Uyghur forced labour
China: Laboratory Results Finds Shein Garment Samples Shipped to the U.S. Contain Cotton Sourced from Xinjiang
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China: Xinjiang exports to US drop in September but still higher year on year despite forced labour law
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Hong Kong: Journalists quit after South China Morning Post axes Xinjiang series, ex-editor says
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USA: Piles of solar panels held at border since Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act came into force
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Uzbekistan: Korean trading company POSCO Intl. seeing rapid increase in profit from Uzbekistan cotton sales after Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act
Bangladesh and Vietnam: Businesses alarmed over risk of 'cotton laundering' following US Xinjiang cotton ban
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USA: Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act comes into force
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USA: Companies warn of shipment delays as Uyghur forced labour ban enters into force
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USA: Fashion industry explores supply chain digitalisation as Uyghur forced labour ban comes into force
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China denounces Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act as destabilising supply chains and creating unemployment
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USA: Department of Homeland Security releases Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act Strategy
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China: Global fashion brands turn to alternative cotton sources given lack of access to Xinjiang's supply chain
China: Hikvision cameras help track Uyghurs and other ethnic groups in Xinjiang, report finds
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USA: Government guidance on Uyghur forced labour ban released
China: Walmart arm Sam's Club denies having deliberately removed Xinjiang-sourced goods from its app
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China: Tesla showroom opening in Xinjiang criticised by rights groups
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Intel apologises to China after Xinjiang sourcing policy causes backlash
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United Kingdom: Trade minister hints at banning Chinese imports with forced labour links
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USA: Congress passes bill requiring companies to prove goods imported from China's Xinjiang region are free from forced labour
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China: Swedish telecom giant Ericsson allegedly sourced from Chinese factory linked to forced labour; incl. co. comment
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Czechia: Marriott apologises for refusing to host Uyghur conference as its Prague branch cited 'political neutrality' for decision
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USA: Court rejects Hong Kong shirtmaker Esquel Group's request to remove Xinjiang unit from entity list
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China: Shenzhen Verite's closure due to "fabricated" report on Xinjiang, according to state media
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China closes U.S. labour auditor as tensions mount over forced labour allegations
China: Chinese suppliers to Apple, Nike shun Xinjiang workers
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USA: Senate passes bill to ban Xinjiang imports unless products proven free of forced labour
USA: Updated business advisory warns companies on Xinjiang business and calls for heightened due diligence
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USA bans imports of silica-based solar materials from China's Hoshine Silicon Industry Co due to forced labour concerns
ユニクロの綿シャツが米税関で差し止め 新疆ウイグル自治区での強制労働で生産の疑い
Japan’s Muji Appeals to China by Advertising Use of Xinjiang Cotton
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Chinese apparel brand 361 Degrees to source Xinjiang materials with China Cotton Industry Alliance
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Xinjiang exports to US doubled in 2021 first quarter despite cotton ban and sanctions
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Continued embrace of ESG undeterred by geopolitics and boycotts of foreign brands, investment advisers say
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中国:カゴメ、新疆産トマト使用停止 人権問題考慮
Volkswagen executive rules out possibility of forced labour and stands by commitment in Xinjiang
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Alleged use of Xinjiang workers in China's solar supply chains presents US govt with dilemma
China steps up plans for domestic Better Cotton Initiative amid forced labour concerns
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Muji brand owner Ryohin Keikaku details steps to address concerns over use of Xinjiang cotton
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Leading Japanese ketchup producer Kagome halts Xinjiang tomato imports
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Industry experts speak about limitations of Better Cotton Initiative's role in Xinjiang
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Fast Retailing, parent company of Uniqlo, says company is politically neutral but will halt business with human rights violators
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Investors press companies on human rights in Xinjiang
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ユニクロも? 新疆綿拒否の外国製品に不買運動
Commentary: Why China’s boycott of H&M, Nike, and other Western brands may blow over
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ASICS head office clarifies that earlier post on sourcing Xinjiang cotton was unauthorised
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Chinese Mission in Geneva rejects UN experts' comments on alleged forced labour
China: UN experts call for unhindered access to conduct fact-finding missions and urge companies to closely scrutinize their supply chains
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China: Xinjiang viscose producers linked to US-sanctioned entities, records show
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China: Latest Nike shoes sold out despite boycott over Xinjiang cotton
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FILA中国宣布退出良好棉花发展协会 台湾代理商指原料来自南亚
China: Hugo Boss deletes "unauthorised" statement over Xinjiang cotton and says it does not tolerate forced labour
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中国:Hugo Boss删支持新疆棉声明 官网指不容忍强迫劳动
FILA China cuts ties with BCI; FILA's Taiwan agent says cotton is sourced from South Asia
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China: Hugo Boss and Asics say they would continue to source cotton from Xinjiang
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Zara's parent company Inditex reportedly removes statement on zero-tolerance policy for forced labour
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Muji promotes Xinjiang cotton as Chinese netizens lash rivals
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Compilation of statements by H&M, Nike, GAP, Uniqlo, adidas, Zara and New Balance on sourcing Xinjiang cotton
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China National Textile and Apparel Council publishes statement on Xinjiang forced labour allegations
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China: Airbnb asked to drop Olympic ties over alleged human rights issues in Xinjiang
China urges global fashion brands to reverse Xinjiang cotton boycott
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Chinese company Anta to quit BCI, will continue to use cotton from Xinjiang
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UN Human Rights Council send letters to companies over Xinjiang forced labour allegations
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H&M faces boycott in China over previous decision not to use Xinjiang cotton due to concerns over alleged forced labour
UK: Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee releases report on Uyghur forced labour in Xinjiang and UK value chains
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UK: BEIS committee says Modern Slavery Act cannot guarantee supply chains are free from forced labour, recommends strengthening of law and policy framework
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Sedex responded
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ERM responded
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Social Accountability International responded
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Ryohin Keikaku's response
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Civil society coalition calls on fashion and home-furnishing industries to end links to Uyghur forced labor
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US moves to support Australian push to tackle China's 'human and labour rights abuses'
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Une plainte déposée contre Nike pour complicité de travail forcé envers les Ouïghours opprimés
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Japan: 12 companies announce policies to end business deals with Chinese companies linked to alleged Uyghur forced labour
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Andrew Forrest's philanthropic foundation condemns China's treatment of Uighurs
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USA: Coalition demands companies to disclose lobbying against Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act; includes company responses
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China: Xinjiang Textile Industry Association releases social responsibility report on cotton textile industry in the region
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EU-China investment agreement: EU negotiator defends forced labour provisions amid criticism
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Swedish public procurers engage suppliers to take measures against possible links to Uyghur forced labour
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Twitter locks account of Chinese Embassy to USA over Uighur post
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US declares China’s repression of Uighurs in Xinjiang as ‘Genocide’
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Commentary: EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment and doubts on its human rights implications
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China: Facial recognition developer Megvii turns to Shanghai IPO after being blacklisted by US for alleged involvements in human rights violations in Xinjiang
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UK: Government takes tougher stance against UK business complicity in human rights violations against ethnic minorities in Xinjiang
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China: Solar companies reportedly linked to forced labour allegations in Xinjiang
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UK: Foreign Secretary announces package of measures to help UK business avoid complicity in human rights violations against ethnic minorities in Xinjiang
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Apple supplier Lens Technology accused of using forced labour in China
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マークス&スペンサー、新疆ウイグル自治区からの調達停止を公表 グローバルファッションブランドとして初 強制労働に対する行動を促す呼びかけに署名
Fair Labor Association prohibits member companies from sourcing from Xinjiang, China
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China: Huawei reportedly tested facial recognition software that could identify minorities
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China: Report highlights evidence from govt documents showing thousands of ethnic minority labourers in Xinjiang forced to pick cotton in coercive state-mandated program
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États-Unis : Le Congrès demande à Nvidia et Intel de s’expliquer sur l’utilisation de leurs technologies dans les programmes de surveillance du gouvernement chinois
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Human Rights Now Releases Statement on Japanese Companies’ Complicity in Forced Labour in Xinjiang UAR
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USA: Apple, Nike and Coca-Cola among companies reportedly lobbying Congress to weaken Uyghur Forced Labour Prevention Bill
États-Unis : Apple accusée de lobbying contre un projet de loi visant à lutter contre le travail forcé en Chine
利用可能言語: français -
Danish pension fund AkademikerPension divests from Hikvision for human rights concerns over co. role in mass surveillance
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États-Unis : Le gouvernement veut annoncer de nouvelles sanctions à l'encontre d'entreprises chinoises qui ne respecteraient pas les droits humains
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Japan: Lawmakers begin weighing bill to sanction Uyghur human rights abuses
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Human rights allegations from China's Xinjiang region could jeopardize US solar supply chain
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L Brands' statement on forced labour in the XUAR
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France : Le gouvernement appelle les entreprises françaises à la vigilance sur le respect des droits des minorités en Chine par leurs fournisseurs et sous-traitants
利用可能言語: français -
Polémique après les remerciements adressés par Disney dans son film Mulan à des autorités chinoises accusées de graves violations des droits humains ; avec les commentaires de l'entreprise
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Commentary: Five international firms refuse to conduct social audits in Xinjiang; time to recognise limitation of social audits everywhere, says NGO
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Amazon's updated response to the Australian Strategic Policy Institute's report on forced labour of ethnic minorities from Xinjiang
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Human Rights Now publishes report on 11 Japanese companies’ response to Uyghur human rights issues
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USA: House of Representatives votes in favour of law aimed at preventing import of goods produced by ethnic minority forced labour in China’s Xinjiang region
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Ces sociétés européennes qui collaborent au contrôle de masse chinois
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Des entreprises de l’UE vendent des outils de surveillance à des responsables d’atteintes aux droits humains en Chine
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Report: Out of Control: Failing EU Laws for Digital Surveillance Export
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Chine : H&M annonce cesser toute relation commerciale avec un producteur accusé de travail forcé
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Norwegian wealth fund's ethics council recommended divestment from Hikvision for human rights concerns over co. role in mass surveillance
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H&M ends relationship with Chinese yarn producer over accusations of forced labour
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USA shelves broad import bans on cotton and tomato and announces narrower bans on products from specific entities
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Disney CFO acknowledges that shooting Mulan in Xinjiang has "generated lot of issues"
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USA to block cotton and tomato product from Xinjiang over allegations of human rights abuses
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US: Customs agency moves to block imports from China’s Xinjiang region over concerns of ethnic minority forced labour
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Disney provokes widespread criticism after thanking Xinjiang authorities accused of human rights abuses in "Mulan" credits
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Chine : La fabrication de masques a mis en avant le nombre accru d'entreprises profitant indirectement du travail forcé des minorités
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Ban US cotton imports from Xinjiang, say human rights campaigners
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Human rights groups call on U.S. for regional ban on imports from China made with Uyghur forced labor
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Entretien avec Raphaël Glucksmann, l'euro-député qui interpelle les grandes enseignes au sujet du travail forcé des minorités en Chine
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China: Practical guidance discusses ways for investors to identify and mitigate human rights risks in northwest region
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At least two Australian companies reportedly purchase masks made with allegedly forced labour in China
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Most fashion brands claim they have anti-forced labour policies when being urged to stop sourcing from Xinjiang, media report says
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Major Chinese supplier of Australian train parts blacklisted by US denies allegations of using forced labour
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Esquel Group denies allegations of using forced labour in Xinjiang and appeals against US sanction
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Sanctions on corporations can be used to curb abuse against ethnic minorities, says group of lawyers
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Nike says China-based supplier stopped hiring employees from northwest amid forced labour allegations, but critics say further proof is needed
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USA: Eleven Chinese firms added to economic blacklist over allegations of using forced labour of ethnic minorities
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Estados Unidos: Sancionan a once empresas chinas por violaciones de derechos humanos contra grupo minoritario musulmán
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Etats-Unis : Le gouvernement adopte une loi obligeant les entreprises américaines opérant au Xinjiang à garantir que leurs produits ne sont pas fabriqués avec recours au travail forcé
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USA: Department of Commerce lists nine Chinese entities and firms for alleged human rights abuses in Xinjiang
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USA: Chinese firms and entities added to sanction lists over human rights abuses
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USA: Department of Commerce adds 24 Chinese firms and institutions to entity list for risk of "supporting procurement of items for military end-use in China"
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China: Better Cotton Initiative suspends activities in Xinjiang due to concerns over labour abuses
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North Face/VF Corp's response
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Puma's response
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Abercrombie & Fitch's response
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Gap's response
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H&M's response
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Marks & Spencer's response
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PVH's response
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Samsung's response
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adidas' response
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UNIQLO's response
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BMW's response
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US: Gov't proposes bill to bar imports from Xinjiang on basis of potential forced labour by Uygurs
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Nike's response
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Inditex's response
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Joint statement: Industry associations urge US govt. to engage multi-stakeholder working group to address forced labour of ethnic minorities in Xinjiang & across China
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Fila did not respond
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Apple did not respond
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Esprit did not respond
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Travailleurs Forcés Ouïghers dans des usines sous-traitantes de grande entreprises occidentales: quand cesserons-nous de faire confiance aux seuls engagements des multinationales ?
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Chine : 83 grandes marques accusées de recourir au travail forcé des Ouïghours dans leur chaîne d'approvisionnement, selon une ONG
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China: Xinjiang forced labour reported in multinational supply chains
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Major global brands implicated in Australian Strategic Policy Institute's report on forced labour in China
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Major brands implicated in report on forced labour beyond Xinjiang
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China: Nike, Apple & Dell comment on allegations of forced labour in their supply chains
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Hong Kong: AI firm Megvii reportedly faces additional queries from HKEx on IPO application after blacklisted by US over alleged involvement in human rights violations
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Responsible Sourcing Network proposes initiative to prevent forced labour in Chinese cotton products
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Companies urged to uphold corporate responsibility when sourcing from Xinjiang and Uzbekistan, both with high risks of forced labour
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China: Clothes made with cotton produced by forced labour in Xinjiang is likely being sold in US, think tank says
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Cotton On and Target Australia stop buying cotton from Xinjiang over human rights concerns
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Response by Esprit
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China: Officials hint Xinjiang detention camps to be phased out; But relatives concerned detainees are being released into forced labour
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US Company to stop sales of genetic tech in Xinjiang
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